O Caracol Espanhol e o Galo Badalo
Written by Carlos Nabais and Isilda Monteiro "Foi na pacatez de Soalheira de Baixo que um dia chegou um pequeno Caracol que logo alcunharam de Espanhol. Com a ajuda do Rato Timorato e do Pardal Senhorial, lá se foi instalando na pequena aldeia, bem pertinho do rio. Mas o que ele desconhecia é que o Galo Badalo havia acabado com todos os caracóis lá da aldeia. E agora? Conseguirá ele resistir às investidas do galaró?" My own translation for non-Portuguese speakers: "It was in the peaceful Soalheira de Baixo that a small snail arrived one day, which they soon nicknamed the Spanish. With the help of Mouse Timorato and the Landlord Sparrow, he settled in the small village, very close to the river. But what he didn't know is that Rooster Badalo had finished with all the snails in the village. And now? Will he be able to deal with the rooster?" Portuguese Edition Published by Alfarroba, 2022 BUY YOUR COPY Illustrations: gouache on Sakura Bristol Manga Paper, coloured pencils , 2022 I made a blog post where you can read about the illustration process for this book. READ IT HERE |